The Artic Tern appears tiny in comparison to the Caspian Tern which is the most common Tern to my area. I had tried a few times this summer to spot an Artic Tern without luck. Today, my luck changed.
One thing I did different today was to pay attention to the times when it was spotted on previous days. Given the tides in this area, I suspect that was an important data point to increase my success in seeing the bird. Though I have to say before I saw the bird I was getting a bid discouraged. I thought about how much I rely on others to be able to point out the birds for me, at least the more difficult finds.
Each scan across the mudflats and bay discouraged me a little more. I was nearly ready to pack it in and head back home when I saw a small white bird flying in the distance. Hold on what is that, I thought. Then fortunately it landed on the beach so I could get a look at it. It was the extact same bird I had seen in photos from the prior day! I found the bird. I quickly got others on the bird, allowing them to peer through my scope at the bird.
Today was a minor victory and a reminder to be patient with myself. Although I have a long way to go in learning about birds, I have come a long way in only 4 years since I started.